Stomach Pain Healed | Northlands Church
March 2020

Stomach Pain Healed

We were visiting family in Alexandria, Virginia and got an Uber for our flight in Baltimore. The guy who came actually didn’t see we needed a ride to Baltimore and said he probably would not have come if he had seen that since it was so far. We got to talk about a lot of things and in the course of this discussion he shared that he has been having severe pain in his stomach for about a day or two and was planning to go to the hospital or doctor. I have never offered to pray for a stranger but felt that Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for him. I was able to pray for him while we were in the car itself driving to the airport. He said he felt better in his stomach after prayer. Even more importantly, he was really encouraged by the discussion we were able to have about things of faith.

This really taught me that God is interested in people. So many times I think about things or tasks that need to be done, but it was really fun to just be focusing on a person who I didn’t know and who needed help from God. I also learned that doing this wasn’t as hard as I had always feared. I think we need to stop focusing so much on ourselves and our problems and be looking outward at all the opportunities all around us. The needs are outside of us. If we are always focused inward, then we will miss so many cool opportunities with regular people all around us.