Traded Rejection for Acceptance | Northlands Church
January 2015

Traded Rejection for Acceptance

I struggled with rejection for a long time after I left a cult last year, and the struggle had infiltrated my relationships with both my adoptive parents, but especially my mother. Last weekend, John-David and I had lunch with Greg and Michelle, who had watched me wrestle with depression over this issue for the previous week. Michelle helped me identify that rejection was the crux of every scar and fear I related to the cult I had escaped after six years. My prayers for healing became more specific when Michelle used the word rejection, and within an hour I was healed.

Ty and Nicole led a session on relationships in the pre-marriage seminar, and when Nicole explained the concept of snapshots that old friends have of people during various stages of life, Greg inserted that God did not mean for us to look back on our pasts and be in bondage, but to be free. When he said that, I received a vision of the house I grew up in, filled with a dense darkness. A light from heaven obliterated that house, and when I looked at it again—having been enthralled by the light—I saw Christ with open arms. And then everywhere I turned, I saw Him there, ready to embrace me.

God told me in that moment that this was the last time I would ever question acceptance or security, that I was whole and healed. And every day since, I have felt the words Greg and Michelle spoke over me (wholeness, peace, healing, formidable) coming to fruition in my life. My family prayed over me last night, and I received the Spirit and fell asleep praying in sweet communion in tongues. I feel more full of life than ever before, and the fear and hatred and defensiveness about my past have vanished like stars at dawn with the fresh confidence and love and protection of God in their places.

God confirmed that He is my Protector and my Healer.