Challenged to pray audaciously | Northlands Church
December 2013

Challenged to pray audaciously

A part of the fund-raising campaign that Northlands held in 2013, Greg & Dionne challenged us to pray for supernatural provision. Kristen and I spent time in prayer and talked it over together. We decided that while we would love to give extra money to Northlands, it wouldn’t be wise to do so until we paid off our car loan. We hate debt, but through a series of events and misunderstandings, we got stuck with a high-interest car loan that we would never have agreed to if we’d known how things would play out.

Therefore, we decided that our audacious prayer would be this – “God, if you will supply enough money in an unexpected way to pay off our car PLUS [an amount we decided on], we will give that amount to Northlands.” It was an audacious prayer, and there was no way we could foresee that it was possible short of an unexpected check.

On the day before Thanksgiving, my Dad surprised us with a check from my Grandmother’s estate – enough money to pay off the car loan, give our pledge to Northlands, and have quite a bit left over! It should be noted that my Grandmother died in October of 2012 and I understood that her estate was going to her children and into their retirement funds. However, my Dad felt that we could use some money now, and gave it as an early, unexpected gift.

We are grateful to the leaders of Northlands for challenging us to pray audaciously and that God used my Dad’s generosity to answer that prayer.

God loves our shameless audacious prayers