How much does a free gift really cost? | Northlands Church

How much does a free gift really cost?

July 22, 2015 | Melissa Grasso

How much does a free gift really cost?

by: Melissa Grasso

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross purchased your relationship with God forever!

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 (NIV)

Are you a natural “gift giver” or do you find more delight in being a “gift receiver”? Most of us can answer that question easily, but a FREE gift that you don’t work for or pay for….is there such a gift? YES! Absolutely YES! His name is Jesus.

Before time began, God had you in mind. Jesus’ incredible sacrifice on the cross, on your behalf, purchased your relationship with God forever. The cost was beyond anything you could imagine, beyond anything you could accomplish with your own efforts. Yet Jesus paid the full price, and He did this with joy because of His love for you (Hebrews 12:2).

God’s grace means that there is nothing else you need to do. The cost for this gift was “paid in full!” You don’t have to work for it or earn it—you couldn’t, anyway. And this priceless gift of salvation means far more than a ticket to heaven when you die. It means the Holy Spirit is present to empower you every day for victorious, abundant, joy-filled life! He is here right now, inviting you to open the gift He has for you today.


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Your free gift of grace. Help me to remember that Your work on the cross is fully complete. My life is no longer “do, do, do,” because it’s already been “done, done, done!” Show me how to walk in the amazing gift of abundant, eternal life which you want me to experience today.

© 2024 Northlands Church and Melissa Grasso. Permission to share so long as credit is given.