Breaking Bread: Part Three | Northlands Church

Breaking Bread: Part Three

May 23, 2017 | Brittany Deegan

Breaking Bread: Part Three

by: Brittany Deegan

Sharing a meal with others in our homes opens a door to build bridges into our community and bless those within our sphere of influence.

A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. Luke 14:16

Not everyone has time to go on a lengthy Saturday outing or catch a movie during the weeknight, but everyone does need to find time to eat. What if your home was a safe haven where you dared to do life with those unlike you? Jesus spent hours upon hours of his time in people’s homes eating and sharing his life, typically with those who were very different from Himself. Extending invitations to our neighbors is an opportunity to build bridges in our community and own our sphere of influence. Breaking bread in your home can be a key opportunity to love your neighbor instead of feeling like two ships passing in the night hardly having the time to exchange a passing wave. You may not be hosting a meal for the most important or influential leaders of the world but God values your neighbor just the same (Matthew 10:42).

What if our homes were a place where we could simply share the testimony of God’s grace and goodness in our lives openly and honestly about what He’s done for us? Gathering around the table for a meal can be a beautiful way of cultivating trust where honest conversations take place and the grace of God’s goodness bubbles forth. Our homes can be a resting spot where people feel safe enough to take off their masks and leave their heavy burdens and hustles of the day at the front door. We can be people who cultivate gracious conversations and offer generous homes where the evidence of God’s nature and kindness is so tangibly thick that others can’t help but notice the presence of Jesus. Who is God leading you today to reach out to? Is there a neighbor you could bless with a meal and a kind listening ear? Spend some time in prayer this week and see what the Lord may have you do. Let’s be a people who are sensitive to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit as to who He may be calling us to extend an invitation towards. Our Father is preparing an eternal table for us, let’s be generous in setting the table for others while we have opportunity to share His goodness with the world.


Father God, I know that when your church gathers together to break bread it is only a dim foreshadowing of the ultimate marriage supper you are preparing for your bride (Rev. 19:9). I pray I would be alert and watchful over those you have placed in my sphere of influence so I will not miss an opportunity to share an open hand and open heart with those who do not know you, so they too will be seated at your banquet table for all of eternity. You have always provided for me and have been exceedingly generous to me. Show me how to do the same with those around me and help me to be a neighbor known for my kindness, graciousness and resemblance of you Jesus.


© 2024 Northlands Church and Brittany Deegan. Permission to share so long as credit is given.