Accessing Abundance | Northlands Church

Accessing Abundance

May 21, 2019 | Jenny Lynn

Accessing Abundance

by: Jenny Lynn

Access to the abundant life comes through abiding, not striving.

As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you...if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done. When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father! John 15:5,7 TPT

As we consider the abundant life Christ came to give us (John 10:10), the overwhelming question is how to access it. It is so easy to get caught up in a cycle of striving to earn or achieve abundance, whether through material possessions, status, or even inner virtues. We work harder at being patient. We work more hours to afford the nice house. We strive tirelessly to fix what we see is broken around us. But somehow at the end of the day we still see lack, and we still feel exhausted. Why is that? Abundance—a life that is flourishing and thriving—comes through abiding, not striving.

Access to abundance is not earned by perfect performance or hard work. It is granted only one way: through the person of Jesus. He qualified us to receive his abundant blessing (Qualified to Receive Abundant Blessing). Not only did he qualify us to receive this, but he became our access through union with him. There is nothing more for us, as believers, to do. We have full access to our inheritance right now. John 15 in The Passion Translation so eloquently describes the life-union we have with Christ and the resulting fruitfulness this union brings. “As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you…if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done. When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father” (John 15:5,7 TPT).

Personal worship and diving into scripture help to maintain awareness of our life-union with God through Jesus. Lack and difficulties are real, but they can all too easily steal my attention. When we are distracted by our needs and less aware of our union with Christ, we live life limited by fear, or fall into striving as we attempt to meet our needs and solve challenges in our own strength.

Many of us KNOW we are in union with Christ; we just don’t always FEEL like we are, especially when times are tough and lack is staring us in the face. Fortunately for us, our emotions aren’t the highest indicator of truth. For me, worship and the Word are the most effective things to bring my emotions back in alignment with my belief. Emotions will submit to truth every time! Worship and the Word are the most life-giving avenues to bring our emotions back into line and regain our awareness of the One with whom we are united.

Our union with Christ gives us access to his overflowing abundance, and allows us to flourish in every season. The overflowing fruitfulness of our union has that awe and wonder factor. The invitation in John 15 is to abide in Him, allowing others to see the abundant fruitfulness of our lives and glorify our Father. Overflowing abundance means we are living lives that are illogical in the natural realm. Our thriving lives cannot be explained outside of the context of our union with Jesus!

We expect abundance not merely for personal gain, comfort or ease, but so that all who know us may know the ways of our Father. We expect it so that we have excess joy, hope, patience, kindness, mercy, grace, provision and creativity to give away to a world in need of all things. It may feel like abundance is a selfish pursuit, seeking greater personal gain, significance, influence, comfort, etc. But in fact, abundance positions us to participate in the greater blessing of giving.

When we flourish and are made rich through the receipt of heavenly blessings, the overflow becomes available to the world around us. Giving is the greater blessing afforded by abundance.

The world is desperate for peace, hungry for hope, and in need of the ceaseless joy that the Lord’s presence offers. As we remain aware of our life-union, we will taste and see the limitless possibilities of abundant life in Christ. The overflow he rains down on us becomes our greater blessing, because it is what He has given us to steward to a hurting, needy world around us.


Lord, would you establish the belief and expectation in my heart that I have full access to abundance through my life-union with you? No longer will I disqualify myself, nor try to earn your blessing through fruitless striving. I know that you have already accomplished the work of abundance and have positioned me to receive this inheritance through a relationship with you. I praise your glorious name for all that you accomplished on my behalf, and I pray that your abundant nature would overflow through my life into a hurting and needy world around me, drawing eyes back to you!

© 2024 Northlands Church and Jenny Lynn. Permission to share so long as credit is given.