My Surprise Miracle | Northlands Church
April 2018

My Surprise Miracle

About 4:30 pm, on March 28, 2018, I was hurrying to leave the house to do errands. When I reached up with my right hand to put the safety bar over the sliding glass door, I was stung by a wasp. Being highly allergic, I immediately went into action. I am under doctor’s orders to go to the nearest hospital. When I went outside, I realized my neighbor just “happened” to be home from work. As she was in her house getting ready to drive me to Peachtree Immediate Care, I walked over by her car, put my arm up in the air, and said, “Lord, this hand belongs to you.” In the car, my finger was swelling and pain had progressed up beyond my wrist. While I was waiting to be seen by a doctor, I realized the pain was gone and so was the swelling. I could move my finger, but it was still red. I decided to go home (2 minutes away) and would return if needed. Not needed! In about 15 minutes the whole event was all over. My finger was fully restored. I received another miracle from God! What an awesome God we serve. Do it again, Lord!