The Best is Yet to Come | Northlands Church

The Best is Yet to Come

January 08, 2019 | Jenny Lynn

The Best is Yet to Come

by: Jenny Lynn

True wisdom - flowing from intimate encounter with the Living God - leads us into a new year with adamant hope and great expectations that the best is yet to come.

"The starting point for acquiring wisdom is to be consumed with awe as you worship Jehovah-God. To receive revelation of the Holy One, you must come to the one who has living-understanding. Wisdom will extend your life, making every year more fruitful than the one before." Proverbs 9:10-11 TPT

Brittany wrapped up last week’s blog with a phrase that stirs my heart: “Adamant hope whispers there is better yet to come.” How true! Consistent, courageous hope creates an expectancy in our hearts- expectancy for God to move, for us to grow, and for circumstances to shift. Hope positions us to believe that the best is ahead of us, not behind us.

Proverbs 9, offers insight on how we can live expecting and believing that the best is yet to come. “The starting point for acquiring wisdom is to be consumed with awe as you worship Jehovah-God. To receive revelation of the Holy One, you must come to the one who has living-understanding. Wisdom will extend your life, making every year more fruitful than the one before (Proverbs 9:10-11 TPT).” Solomon tells us to position ourselves to receive the wisdom that comes only from intimacy and encounter with the Living God. Supernatural wisdom actually extends our lives and makes each year sequentially better than the one before.

Adamant hope is not propelled by optimistic emotions but it is generated in the presence of God Almighty. When we carve out time to be alone with Him, to stand in awe of His deeds and reflect on the immeasurable goodness of His character, hope saturates our souls. As we seek out revelation from Jesus, asking questions, studying scripture, journaling his words to us, wisdom unfolds. In Paul’s prayer for the church at Ephesus, he echoes Solomon’s directive, “I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him” (Eph. 1:17). Intimacy is the conduit for wisdom and wisdom tells us that in Christ, the best is yet to come.

The world’s wisdom based on past experience tells us to set meager expectations, “expect more of the same” or better yet, “expect the worst and maybe you will be pleasantly surprised.” But the world’s wisdom is rife with hopeless logic. In the heavenlies, the power and presence of God alter everything! Heaven’s wisdom says, “the possibilities are endless and mercies new every morning.” In the presence of Christ, we find newness, creativity, and endless possibilities. To know this truth - God’s glorious nature - is to live with the expectation of ever-increasing fruitfulness in each new year.

So I would encourage you, carve out some time this week to soak in the wonder and glory of God’s presence, to let your mind wander through the testimonies of his goodness. Then ask for his perspective on the year ahead. I promise hope will not disappoint. God has great things to say and unfold in your life this year. The best really is yet to come, my friend.


Father God thank you for sending your Son to restore unhindered intimacy between us. I am in awe of your kindness, of the ways you work all things together for my good through every season. I believe that you have plans to prosper me, not to harm me.  Lord, as I come into your presence would you impart your wisdom generously? Would you give me eyes to see you, and ears to hear you more accurately than ever? Draw me into deeper intimacy with you and fill my heart with great expectations for this year. My hope for the future rests solely in your promises.

© 2024 Northlands Church and Jenny Lynn. Permission to share so long as credit is given.