Repentance is wonderful! | Northlands Church

Repentance is wonderful!

July 27, 2015 | LauraBoal

Repentance is wonderful!

by: LauraBoal

Repentance means letting God show you how to see life from His perspective.

“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15 (NIV)

Does the word “repent” make you think of angry people shouting from street corners? If so, you definitely don’t have the whole story. Repentance really is good news!

Left to our own devices, we can all come up with weird ways of seeing the world. We face problems and all too often, our minds go off to the races. We may get ideas like, “Things never work out for me,” or “I just always mess up.” If you’ve ever felt that way, come discover repentance.

You see, God’s way of thinking is different from ours. It’s clear and straight. It’s full of life and it always works. And repentance means that He’s inviting us to come up and see things from His perspective. In Greek, metamorphosis means “a transformed shape,” like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Metanoia means “a transformed mind.” Thinking differently, the way God thinks: that’s what it means to “repent”!

Isn’t that good news? “Take a new mind,” Jesus is saying. “Lay down those old thought patterns and come see how I do things.” No matter what challenges we face, the Lord wants us to experience His kingdom, or His rule, in our lives. The first step is letting Him give us new ways of thinking and seeing the world (Isaiah 55:9-11).

What does God want you to repent of today? In other words, what situation are you seeing from an earthly perspective, when He wants to give you a heavenly perspective? His plans for you are full of life, joy and hope, no matter what the situation.


Transform my mind, Lord. I want to see things from Your perspective!

© 2024 Northlands Church and LauraBoal. Permission to share so long as credit is given.