Breaking Bread: Part Two | Northlands Church

Breaking Bread: Part Two

May 16, 2017 | Brittany Deegan

Breaking Bread: Part Two

by: Brittany Deegan

Opening our homes is a catalyst for communing with others and building authentic fellowship. Breaking bread together offers a safe sanctuary for connecting with one another and cultivating fellowship in a meaningful and personal environment.

And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:46-47

Who doesn’t love to be invited? I remember when I was a child the excitement and thrill of having a friend invite me over to their house to play. A personal invitation like that was rarely declined back then and the excitement of being asked was all too much. We can continue to walk in that same childhood likeness by inviting others into our home to feed them and connect with them in an organic setting. There’s something sweet and raw about gathering around a table, eating a meal, and being fully present with the people you are currently face to face with. In a Western world of fast food fellowship, we are typically left with scraps of superficial social media relationships on the altar of busy and efficient. Creating a slower space, where friends and family can come over, unwind, and enjoy company is an essential part of building community with sustenance.

Breaking bread is not just another table setting but an authentic environment where we can share our lives with those we love and those we are growing to know. A safe harbor where someone can dock their ship for a while and exhale. A place to remember that not only is community good, but God is great and actively working in each of our lives.

I love that the Book of Acts paints for us this beautifully, detailed picture of a strong, early church community who thrived and grew in Christ because of their willingness to share with one another. They didn’t only open their homes on special holidays or celebrations but “day after day” (Acts 2:47). This was a lifestyle habit they had formed and prioritized to maintain because they knew the rich benefits it provided (Hebrews 10:25).
Breaking bread with community is not about how fancy your dining room is or entertaining others with all the latest bells and whistles. Breaking bread is about being humble and willing and brave enough to open up your home and take the initiative to invite. Just as Christ, the ultimate inviter, did and still does for us.

Questions to consider…

What stands out to you about the early church from Acts 2:46-47?

In what ways has Christ invited you? Fed you?

Why do you think breaking bread within community fosters deep relationships like those we see in scripture?

Who is the Holy Spirit placing on your heart right now to invite over for a meal?


Abba God, you have called me as your bride to faithfully walk in community with those in my sphere of influence. Please help me to slow down and find the time and space in my schedule to share a meal and commune with those who encourage me and whom I can encourage as well. Help me to value and foster fellowship as you did with your disciples and friends and as you do with me. You are the ultimate inviter and you love to feed the people at your table well. May I walk in your example and likeness. Amen.


© 2024 Northlands Church and Brittany Deegan. Permission to share so long as credit is given.